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PDA celebrates 50 years of Health and Safety at work

The Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) was given royal assent on 31 July 1974. It is estimated that since then more than 14,000 workplace fatalities have been avoided due to the subsequent reduction and removal of workplace risks.

Fri 2nd August 2024 The PDA

Nobody should be injured or killed at work, and under the HSWA employers have a responsibility to protect workers and others from risk to their health and safety.  Health and safety concerns at work can include trip hazards, stress, unsafe building structures, dangerous substances, risk of violence and abuse, extreme temperatures, poor air quality, and much more.

Trade unions, such as the PDA Union, have a key role to play in maintaining health and safety, not just in campaigning for the legislation in the first place, but by monitoring and taking action to remove workplace risks.

For example, at Boots there is a formal recognition of the PDA and a team of pharmacists who are PDA Representatives that have been trained on the subject. Those reps undertake health and safety visits which can be routine to see if everything is ok, or in response to an accident report or colleague concern. Boots and the PDA work together constructively for everyone’s benefit on this issue. The aim of health and safety visits is not to blame or report anyone, but to offer support. At the end of a visit, the reps leave an agreed action plan on what to do next. This could be a few small fixes or something they could help to speed the process along, for instance ,a maintenance issue that may have had problems getting looked at or progressed.

PDA Education provides health and safety training for PDA Workplace Reps and the next course is being held at the General Federation of Trade Unions’ (GFTU) facility in September. This course is for all PDA Reps who have completed the PDA Reps Induction online. All workplace reps should complete this training. Regional committee members, members of the PDA’s Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) committees, and student reps are also welcome to attend.

The PDA has recently seen an increase in pharmacists seeking support after being injured by faulty shelving or flooring in some community pharmacies. While the PDA can help members to seek compensation in such situations, it would be far better for all involved if businesses maintained their premises to safe standards to avoid the incidents occurring.

The PDA also supports the call to the new government from the Trade Union Congress (TUC) for a higher standard of health and safety protection than in previous generations.

The TUC is calling for the government to:

  • Restore adequate funding to the Health and Safety Executive
  • Take action to speed up the removal of asbestos from all workplaces
  • Protect the role of trade union health and safety reps and allow unions to enter and organise workplaces that lack union representation
  • Foster a culture of positive industrial relations so that employers and workers both benefit from a collaborative approach to improving health and safety.

TUC General Secretary, Paul Nowak said about the HSWA’s 50th anniversary, “The Act made it a duty for every employer to protect the health and safety of staff. Thousands of lives have been saved since then. It shows how valuable government can be when put at the service of working people. 

All deaths, injuries, and illnesses at work are preventable. But workplace inspections and prosecutions have plummeted because of Conservative cuts. And more than a hundred people died from work-related injuries last year.  

We need fresh funding and fresh thinking. Government, unions and employers must work together to raise workplace safety to the next level. Every worker deserves to be safe, wherever they work and whatever they do.” 

PDA Union Director, Paul Day said, “Believing that every pharmacist can return home safely from each shift, should be among the most basic of reasonable expectations by the profession and their families.

We must never underestimate the importance of having effective health and safety standards that are communicated, understood, implemented and enforced in every pharmacy workplace.

A safe and healthy workplace is ultimately better for patients, employers and the NHS too.”

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The Pharmacists' Defence Association is a company limited by guarantee. Registered in England; Company No 4746656.

The Pharmacists' Defence Association is an appointed representative in respect of insurance mediation activities only of
The Pharmacy Insurance Agency Limited which is registered in England and Wales under company number 2591975
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The PDA Union is recognised by the Certification Officer as an independent trade union.

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