As always it is important to look closely at the detail of the offer. It is not 4% for all employed in NHS Scotland. For the majority of healthcare professionals and many PDA Union members on NHS pay bands, up to band 7, then it is 4%. However, for many others on bands 8a-8c it is only 2%.
Paul Moloney, PDA Union National Officer commented: “While the headline figure of 4% is significantly above inflation, however, it is measured, and a huge improvement on the UK Government’s scandalous 1% affordability figure, many of those in senior, demanding positions are being offered a much smaller increase.”
Health service trade unions in Scotland are now consulting their members on the offer and the PDA Union encourages members working in NHS Scotland to let us have their views by emailing us at: [email protected].
Paul Moloney added: “Although this offer is by no means perfect, we would urge the UK Government to adopt the same approach as the Scottish Government and to treat NHS workers fairly. They need to withdraw the 1% affordability cap it has asked the Independent Pay Review Body (IPRB) to take into account when it considers the size of the increase for health service workers who will be doing exactly the same job as their colleagues working in Scotland.”
“We also repeat our call for the IPRB to take factors other than the Government’s affordability statement into account, to look at Scotland and to consider issues such as staff retention and morale when making its recommendation.”